Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Something More

I titled my first entry "Something More" for a number of reasons. One, I wasn't sure what to write, seeing this is my first blog entry. Two, I live in a constant state of day dreaming. And three, as my wife so gently called to my attention one self-pitying night over popcorn, I'm not unlike the rest of the human race, vaguely but painfully aware of something missing inside, a victim of a sinking black hole of the soul.

This hole I now refer to as a deep desire for God, a longing for the things of Heaven and how it should be. Tempted as I am to believe that I can feel happy by stuffing the hole with "bigger" and "better" things displayed in television commercials or Hollywood, or by chasing dreams that are not yet willing to be caught (on this side of Heaven), I refuse to give in to this ancient lie.

Instead, I dream for something more.

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - Jesus

"Instead, they were longing for a better country - a heavenly one." - Hebrews 11:16

1 comment:

jessicalee said...

sounds like you've got a pretty amazing wife. and a pretty amazing God. keep dreaming...i love you.