Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Dusty Black Suitcase

There is a dusty black suitcase in the unfinished part of our basement, left behind by the last owner of the house. It is bulky, like it may contain something heavy...or expensive. At first, I wasn't drawn to it much. It seemed a trivial thing among the chaos of moving in. But now that things have settled down, my curiosity is on the rise. Many times I have considered unzipping the filthy thing for a look inside. For all I know, it could be bursting at the seams with gold bullion from an old train robbery. On the other hand, and this to me is much more likely, it could be packed with angry vipers. So a part of me - the scared part - wants to grab it by the handle and run with it full speed out the front door and throw it as far from our house as possible. But then again, what if it really is gold? Or priceless antiques? Sadly, I may never know.


tone614 said...

open it.....remember our treasure hunting class? That was rule # 45...never leave a dusty suitcase unsearched.

jen said...

I really hope it's not the snake's extended family...

If it is, at least you will have closure.